
More preventive care, and fewer emergency room visits and prescription drugs–health care utilization in a consumer-driven health plan

Published: January 1, 2008
Category: Bibliography > Papers
Authors: Ailiff PL Jr, Bargman EP, Garrett NA, Pederson D, Plocher DW, Wilson A, Wilson AR
Countries: United States
Language: null
Types: Care Management
Settings: Health Plan

Benefits Q 24:46-54.

Healthcare Informatics, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, USA.

Although consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) have grown dramatically, the question of whether CDHPs have reduced health care costs has not been answered definitively. This article presents what the authors believe to be the first study to analyze a large sample of claims data and to look in detail at different types of utilization among enrollees in a CDHP and those in a traditional comprehensive major medical (CMM) plan. After adjusting for the finding that CDHP enrollees are both younger and healthier than those in CMM plans, the authors found that CDHP enrollees show no consistent or significant utilization differences for measures over which consumers have little control (e.g., inpatient stays); lower utilization for measures over which consumers have greater control (e.g., emergency room visits); and higher utilization of preventive services.

PMID: 18543833

Resource Utilization,Cost Burden Evaluation,Practice Patterns Comparison,Adolescent,Adult,Child Preschool,Diagnostic Services/utilization,Emergency Service,Hospital/economics,Gender,Insurance,Health,Reimbursement,Managed Care Programs/utilization,Medical Savings Accounts/statistics & numerical data,Middle Aged,Preventative Health Services/economics,Utilization Review

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