
Direct costs of hip fractures among seniors in Ontario

Published: January 1, 2011
Category: Bibliography > Reports
Authors: Nikitovic M
Countries: Canada
Language: null
Types: Care Management
Settings: Academic

Toronto, ON, Canada: University of Toronto (masters thesis).

University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

Osteoporosis is a major public health problem resulting in substantial hip fracture related morbidity. Using healthcare utilization data, we determined the 1-­ and 2-­year direct attributable healthcare costs associated with hip fractures among Ontario seniors in comparison to a matched non-­hip fracture cohort. Over a four-­year period (2004-­2008) we identified 22,418 females and 7,611 males with an incident hip fracture. Approximately 22% of females and 30% of males died in the first year after fracture. The mean attributable cost in the first year was $36,929 ($52,232 vs. $15,503) among females and $39,479 ($54,289 vs. $14,810) among males. Primary cost drivers included acute hospitalizations, complex continuing care, and rehabilitation. Attributable costs remained elevated into the second year, particularly among those who survived the first year ($9,017 females and $10,347 males). Results from this study will aid policy decision makers in allocating healthcare resources and help feed into future health economic analyses.

Cost Burden Evaluation,Population Markers,Morbidity Patterns,Resource Use,Canada

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