
A simple but efficient approach to the analysis of multilevel data

Published: June 20, 2013
Category: Bibliography > Reports
Authors: Bache SHM, Kristensen T
Countries: Denmark
Language: null
Types: Care Management
Settings: Academic, Hospital

Health Economics Papers 2013:6. Odense, Denmark: University of Southern Denmark.

University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

Much research in health economics revolves around the analysis of hierarchically structured data. For instance, combining characteristics of patients with information pertaining to the general practice (GP) clinic providing treatment is called for in order to investigate important features of the underlying nested structure. In this paper we offer a new treatment of the two-level random-intercept model and state equivalence results for specific estimators, including popular two-step estimators. We show that a certain encompassing regression equation, based on a Mundlak-type specification, provides a surprisingly simple approach to efficient estimation and a straightforward way to assess the assumptions required. As an illustration, we combine unique information on the morbidity of Danish type 2 diabetes patients with information about GP clinics to investigate the association with fee-for-service healthcare expenditure. Our approach allows us to conclude that explanatory power is mainly provided by patient information and patient mix, whereas (possibly unobserved) clinic characteristics seem to play a minor role.

Resource Use,Payment,Practice Patterns Comparison,Denmark

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